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MINUTES October 2004

Minutes of FLRCDL meeting held on October 27 th 2004.

Meeting was called to order by President Dave White at 6:30:PM. Pledge of Allegiance was given. Board was introduced as well as the general audience. Minutes were read. Motion to approve was made by Jeanne White. 2nd by Greg Sheppard.

Treasure's report given by Pat Elden FLRCD has $554.67 on deposit.

New Business:

Dave White wanted to get Board back to 5 members. A letter was read from Larry Marr requesting to be on the board. Pat Elden nominated Larry Marr and Rod Stedwart 2nd. Passed by a majority of the members. The board now is:

President- Dave White

Vice-president- Larry Marr

Recorder- Pat Elden

Members- Rod Stewart and Sven Anderson

The subject of term limits was discussed and it was decided the terms would be as follows:

Dave White, Pat Elden, and Sven Anderson term to run to January 2006. Terms of Larry Marr and Rod Stewart to run to January 2005.

Pat made the motion and Rod Stewart 2nd the motion. Motion was passed by a majority of the members.

Dave White introduced the topic of an Economic Study for the canyon area that has been requested by the COE so they can take this information to other meetings when they are asked why Detroit Lake was chosen over others. Rod Stewart said 11 reservoirs in this basin that the COE manages has an economic interest at stake. They will be looking at the whole picture of the area like 2001 when we did not have a full pool as compared to last year. The' Forest Service and State Park know the results of a bad year, but we need the small businesses like the hardware store, or gas station. We are trying to work with Mia Mohr from COG for an independent study. Monte May asked why the COE does not hold the water up until October 15t.Dave White said it was a complex answer: Fish and Game, Salem water control, other dams output, like Cougar which is down due to repair. The COE says they follow the rule curve and a study would have to be done to change the curve. The thing is that since 2001 the COE has worked closer with us. Dave said in talking with Fish and Game Commission and DEQ in the last 2 weeks they expressed knowledge of our program and how our voice is heard. That is what we can do and will keep trying to keep the water level up We need everyone's help.

Pat Carty said he would help because in 2001 he was involved in surveys and low interest loans by the state. He said that all businesses lost about 80 to 90% of their income. He said he would work to see if he could help with the study to provide information. He said that even now there is not an economic base to start new businesses like Cook Market. The building stands vacant. Even the weather has an impact on the city. Carty works with the Canyon Chamber of Commerce and said that we need to be linked on the net with a web of our own to interested persons who are looking for recreational opportunities and real estate. It could be linked with several sites down the canyon with even a map. It was discussed that the Economic Study will be a group project. The committee will consist of Pat Carty, Larry Marr/ chairman, Dani Pavoni, Mia Mohr, and Greg Buhn. Motion was made and passed approving the committee.

A web site will be worked on by Larry Marr. Dave is trying to get DEQ or State Fisheries for our next meeting.

Project updates:

Shoreline wall is an on going project. Rod Stewart said they are working on upgrading the area with public toilets and additional parking using fill in the low area. Along with a fishing pier and information on the old town of Detroit.

Bike path. Committee met 2 weeks ago for the public's final input. Some areas are set to go and our area is one of them. Application for grants is ongoing. A report should be ready for January meeting.

Pity Island. Marine board said the buoys were a success this past season. Not everyone knew why they were there! To excavate the channel to 1550 feet and 100 feet wide will cost $20,000 for permits and dozer work. Pat said we are still seeking moneys. We need to look for a local contractor that might step with time and equipment. I will take 2 months for permits. The time to do this project is January and February.   Funds may be available in April. The marine board provided the buoys and will for next year also. We also need to contact them for funding.

Extended season. An ongoing issue. Talks are open to the COE. Other agencies have a demand for water. Weather issues are also great for water levels.

Winter sports. Need a chairman

It was also brought to our attention that the National Forest would be closed to ATV's except in designated areas.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30. Next meeting will be held on January 26, 2005 at 6:30



President Dave White called meeting to order at 6:35 PM. Dave led the group in the pledge of allegiance. All individuals around the room made introductions.


Minutes of the last meeting were passed out by Pat Elden and approved.


Pat Elden gave the treasures report. The balance in the account is $202.00 after paying the postal box rental of $38.00.


No correspondence was received. Our membership is now up to 63 members.


NEW BUSINESS: Dave introduced Mia Moore, Canyon Economic Development Director, who updated the group on the bike path. Mia reports that the second public meeting in late September for the feasibility study will be done and that the design is complete. Tee Berthel asked if ODOT is going to widen the bridge into Detroit. Mia said it was outside the present scope. It would require grants and funding. Rated by priority, the path from the State Park to Detroit is first on line as all paths are off highway 22, Dani Pavoni said the report is here and the priority high and funding is being sought.


Mia also reported on the work being done on the shoulders of highway 22 is broadband by Verizon and it is coming now. This would be a public safety benefit with wireless options. Tee Berthel says jobs in home would have better access. It would benefit other areas such as Brightenbush.


Our second speaker was Jeff Smith from the Oregon State Marine Board. Jeff gave an up to date report on the winter boat ramps at Mongold. This is a low water ramp with additional parking for cars and boat trailers. This ramp would be usable at 1450 feet. This project will give boats a better loading and unloading ramp with fewer winds and a grade to accommodate trailers safely. The cost of the project is $600,000 and funding is being sought. Work could start next year or the following year as funding is acquired. This would increase winter fishing. The membership unanimously voted in support of the project.


Libby Barg from the Salem Water Quality Dept. gave us an update on their long-term water plan. She said their long-term plan is to have 420 million


Gallons of water usages in 10 years. She said they are very interested in our

goals as they mirror theirs for water quality, DEQ regulations for now and in

the future and how water draws affect fisheries. DEQ says pollution is not the

Reason for water releases, the real culprit is flow levels for industrial usage in the Willamette River.


Brian Von Bargen from the COE gave us an update on the low water levels we are experiencing. He said this is the third lowest water year and the COE is pro-active and working with the ODFW, fisheries, and DEQ which are major players for the Willamette River levels and measurable standards have to be met. Weekly reviews of water levels are being watched and the hope is to maintain a level of 1551 to keep the marinas open through Labor Day. Brian asked us to work on a report for them that will give them information on economic impact on the -community-and the canyon when -water 1evels fall to the level of 2001.


A fund raising project. The project is a cookbook and is chaired by Janice

Brown. Was discussed' and approved by the members.                                                                                                                  .




Reports of committee chairmen: Joe Berthel said there is lots of damage to. The wall they constructed and it needs to be repaired. Joe Berthed and Greg Shepherd are doing most of this project and they could use some help.


Bike path report was given earlier.


Buoys and pass through at Piety Island: Marion County Sheriff reports the buoys are out for the season. There was some discussion on the placement of warning buoys on each end or a string of buoys during low water levels. The cost of completing this project was estimated at $20,000.


Brian VonBargen of the COE discussed extended season. He said the fisheries want to flush the river in September and that they are going to reduce the flows out to 900 CSA' S and hope for rain.


We still need a Chairperson to kick-start the winter sports project.


501c3 are still on hold.

Next schedule meeting is October 27th at 6:30 at the Detroit Ranger



Minutes For April 2004



President's Greeting: For everyone's convenience, we try to facilitate these quarterly sessions to a maximum of 2 1/2 hours, in which time we aim to accomplish what is incorporated in the agenda. Please utilize meeting etiquette!

As a point of order, according to bylaws, voting is limited to those with filed membership applications If you have not yet done so, you may submit an application to the Recorder in order to more fully participate in the process at tonight's meeting and in the future.


Introductions around the room: (please, also sign in on FLRCDL roster)

Minutes of last meeting: recap

Treasury Report: contributions received; paperwork & processing finished for fiscal sponsorship Correspondence: hard copy e-mail

Continuing Organization Formation Process

 Introduction of FLRCDL Board of Directors & New Officers (short bios.): President Dave White, Vice President Tee Berthel, Recorder Pat Elden, Sven Anderson, and Rod Stewart More responses to letters of invitation to mailing list of potential new members; database set up.


Bylaws amendment for fiscal sponsor (City of ldanha) until 50 1 (c)3 process finalized Bylaws available by request Membership applications & updated partnerships' logo sheet available at City Halls & Post Office of Detroit & ldanha, Detroit Ranger Station, and Detroit Lake State Park

Recommendation for organization Vision Statement.

Requires a vote


BREAK: Light Refreshments will be available

Quick Progress Reports from each Subcommittee:

Work toward Hike / Bike path from Mongold State Park to ldanha,  Dani Pavoni on team     . Develop Shoreline Enhancement at the Flats, Joseph Berthel, Greg Shepard

Designate a Piety Pass through channel at Detroit Flats,  Pat Elden, Rod Stewart

Create winter opportunities in Detroit Lake Area,Todd Larson, Don Hiebert

Modify operation of the lake to extend recreation season, Dave Layman, Dave White

Research on applying for LR.C. 501(c)3 nonprofit status; City of ldanha will serve as fiscal sponsor in the meantime.


Other Related News / Hot Topics: Brief time for any partners in attendance to give background info on their representation.

NOAA Fisheries, Species protection wrap-up: Any other information for the group from agencies, organizations, or individual members  upcoming activities, subjects of interest to share ''pertaining to the focus of FLRCDL".

Set next meeting date & Adjourn:

 For those who have not had the opportunity, a brief tour of the new Detroit Ranger District facility & Byway portal, it may be possible by asking our USFS hosts.


Federal Lakes Recreation Committee Detroit Lake
P.O. Box 538
Detroit, OR. 97342