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MINUTES January 2006

Meeting Detroit Ranger Station
Minutes - January 25, 2006

The meeting was called to order by President Dave White at 6:30 P.M.   Board members present were Rod Stewart and Sven Anderson.   Vice-president Larry Marr arrived a short time later.   Recorder Pat Elden was absent and excused.   Ann Holaday was appointed to take minutes for the evening.

President White stated that the Treasurer's report and minutes from the last meeting were unavailable at this time, so would not be voted on tonight.

President White also announced that the Articles of Incorporation were accepted by the State of Oregon.   This is the first meeting under the new Articles.   Nominations were opened for three board positions. President, Secretary, and one member, are up for election in April.   Nominations were made by Pat Carty to retain Dave White as President, Patricia Elden as Secretary, and Sven Anderson as a member of the board.   There was a second by Jeanne White.   Motion passed unanimously.   Nominations will remain open until the election.

Grant funding for the Coordinator position has just over a year left, President White announced.   The board will meet at noon on February 24 at the Detroit U.S.F.S. building to discuss the possibility of hiring a temporary administrative assistant to replace the Coordinator position until longer term funding can be found.

President White indicated that grant funds ($15,000) can only be spent on items budgeted for under the grant, therefore the $66 to repay him for public notices for the Channel Project must come out of the general fund.   The $88 to repay Larry Marr for the website and domain name will come from grant funds.

A Conflict of Interest Policy was read by President White and adopted unanimously on a motion by Sven Anderson with a second by Jim Lind.

Bruce Sorte from the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Oregon State University provided an overview of the draft of the Economic Impact Study for Detroit Lake and the Upper North Santiam Canyon.   He stressed that this is a draft only, and additional input is welcome.

President White indicated the North Santiam Watershed Council voted to work with The F.L.R.C.D.L. on the Down Stream gravel bed enhancement project.   This partnership would provide access to grants.   A meeting is scheduled for February 15, 2006 at 9 A.M., in Salem, with the location address to be announced. A break was called at 7:50 and the meeting reconvened at 7:55 P.M.

President White gave the following updates:
Channel Project - Piety Island    The project may be one to two years away, but the process steps are moving along in good order. We have submitted a request with the Oregon National Guard in Nov 05. That request was approved at the state level in Dec 05, and is now at Hq. In Wash. DC, for funding approval.

Winter Boat Ramp    This funding cycle was missed.   Process needs time to get state and federal budgets in line, so it is still working, but not this year.   This is not a dead project, and the next application date is the spring of 2007.

Greg Bowers from the Corps of Engineers reported on water flow rates and lake levels. The lake starts it's filling cycle on 1 Feb 06, and is expected to be 30-35' above the rule curve at that time. Discharge rates from Detroit dam should fall below the high outputs of the last few weeks, and the lake should hold the present levels until the rule curve level is reached and filling continues on schedule, weather permitting.

Josh Davenport gave a slide presentation showing the different aspects of the new web site, which is up and functional, but not complete.   The web address is http://www.detroitlakeoregonrecreation.com/ .

Mia Mohr reported a good turnout for the Alternative Transportation Link meeting in Mill City recently.   Small parts of the project will be the immediate focus.

The next scheduled meeting is April 19, 2006 at the Detroit Ranger Station.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Holaday


Meeting Minutes April, 2006


The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by President Dave White.



Self-introductions were made by those present.


Treasurer Report

Dave White gave the treasurers report.  He reported a balance of 611.23 on account with the City of Idanha.



Art Wilkinson motioned to approve the minutes of the January 25, 2006 meeting as presented.  Jeanne White seconded; approved unanimously.


Election for Open Board Member Positions

Dave White reported that at the previous meeting, Pat Elden, Dave White, and Sven Anderson were nominated to fill open board member positions.  Subsequently, Sven Anderson will be moving out of the area and will be unable to serve.  It was decided to leave the position open through the next meeting.  No other nominations were made.  A voice vote was held on the slate of nominations consisting of Pat Elden and Dave White.  Passed unanimously.


Water Flows and Lake Levels Information from the Army Corps of Engineers Briefing

Bryan VonBargen of the Army Corps of Engineers reported that this has been a normal water year, the first in six years.  There is a good snow pack which will help the reservoir fill through the summer.  The flow was increased to 1500cfs for fish, which along with a drier than normal February, resulted in a fall below the bell curve.  However, it is expected that there will be enough rain to fill the reservoir.  He reported that they have been spilling over the top instead of through the middle because of equipment repair.  He also reported that they may not request a surcharge this year.


He responded to the following questions from the audience:

Q – Why are the Mongold ramps closed?  A – Currently there is not enough water elevation.  The ramps should be open soon.

Q – Will we run parallel to the rule curve?  When will we fill?  A- If the weather cooperates as it is forecast, it should be by the middle of May.


Down Stream Gravel Bed Enhancement Update

Liz Redon of the North Santiam Watershed Council reported on a recent meeting between the agencies involved.  The main task right now is to raise funds to implement the project.  There is an effort underway to get an earmark through the Corps Section 1135 program.  The Watershed Council is working to raise funds from other sources.  Due to the timing of funding streams, nothing will happen until 2008.  At that point, a study will need to be conducted to ensure the design is correct and takes all perspectives into account.  Bryan VonBargen added that a biological opinion will be signed later this year, which will help in getting funds secured. 


Liz also reported that the Watershed Council continues to have an open membership position for a representative of the upper reach of the watershed and asked that interested individuals contact her.


Economic Impact Study Final Report

Dave White reported that the final printed version was not yet completed because new information, a comparison of local employment numbers to the Salem MSA, had been added.  This will provide a different, more powerful perspective to the report.  The copies of the report should be ready by next week.  As soon as an electronic copy is received, it will be posted on the website.    


Web Site Status

Dave White reported that the website, www.detroitlakeoregonrecreation.com, is up and running and will be tweaked as time allows.  He asked members of the audience to review the site and give comments and suggestions.


Piety Island Channel Project Status

Dave White reported that this project is moving forward.  The National Guard is ready to begin work as soon as the NEPA documentation is ready and the consultation process is worked out.  Heritage resource work is done and has been sent off to SHPO.  It is anticipated that the actual channel enhancement activity may be ready to proceed in Fall, 2007.


Wintertime Boat Ramp Status

Rodney Stewart of the Forest Service reported that the project is moving forward.  A Memorandum of Understanding between the agencies involved is in the final stages of completion.  Extending the existing boat ramp will have an immediate impact on extending the season.  In the last survey conducted by the Oregon Marine Board, Detroit Lake was identified as the most important water body in terms of recreational boating behind only the Columbia and Willamette Rivers and the Pacific Ocean.


Oregon DEQ Revised Changes on Water Temperature Requirements for the North Santiam River

Nancy Gramlich of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality gave a presentation on the revised proposed temperature TMDL.  She reported that once the TMDL is issued as an order, then the designated management agencies (governing bodies) will have 18 months to submit implementation plans.  She explained that this plan will be guided by adaptive management, meaning that it will be reviewed on an on-going basis. 


Lake Clean Up of Logs and Floating Hazards

Rodney Stewart reported that they are behind schedule due to the lake elevation.  There is another 20 feet to go to get to full pool.  They did have corrections crews collecting by hand, but they are waiting for the lake to gain another 10-15 feet before sweeping.  They will be strategic in terms of where they prioritize sweeping, but probably will not have the lake cleaned by Memorial Day.


Floating Heads Locations and Status

Rodney Stewart reported that the city of Salem has been helpful in obtaining funds for a 3rd floating head.  It will be anchored on the Breitenbush arm.


Non-Profit Status

Mia Mohr reported that the 1023 form was complete and ready for signature.


Contract Administrative Position

Dave White reported that the board had decided that the organization had a greater need at this time for administrative assistance than for a full-time coordinator.  At the last board meeting, the board voted to hire Mia Mohr as an independent contractor to provide administrative assistance.


Update on NFF Grant Workshop

Dave White reported on a recent four-day workshop he attended.  He will be sharing information and ideas with the board at the next board meeting.


USFS Strategy For Detroit Lake

Paul Matter of the Forest Service gave a presentation on the five actions that the forest service is proposing to improve the recreation experience at Detroit Lake.  He asked for questions and comments on the proposed actions. 


Other Business and Comments

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.


May 06 FLRCDL Board Meeting Minutes

Opened meeting at Noon

Present was Rod Stewart, Larry Marr, Pat Elden and Dave White

Minutes approved from last board meeting

Board approved using Mia Mohr in contract type administration assistance in areas listed in our NFF Grant. Money to be paid from NFF grant.

Bob Rea (Detroit State Park) was selected to fill the board vacancy of Sven Anderson as interim board member until this position can be voted on at our next regular committee meeting in July.

A review of our Vision, Mission statements was discussed to see if they still reflect our current position of the FLRCDL. Also a need to make out a Strategic Plan was talked about. Decision to seek outside help from the NFF or FFF, RDI, etc. and to have some one come out and meet with the board to go over these 3 areas.

Funding if needed would come out of the NFF grant under skill building.

We talked about having a "2 minute mission pitch" that all board members would agree to use when attempting to "sell" our FLRCDL new members and others. Pat Elden will attempt to work out a short statement that we all can use to promote FLRCDL.

A plan to seek new members, with looking at the boating public and the marinas

as the best source to start. Pat Elden will also work on a poster style item to get our message out to local boaters about joining the FLRCDL. We will also contact the marina owners to seek their help and advise on this matter.

We talked about the need for donations, but also the goal or project(s) and the amount of funds needed for them, before going after large amounts of funds. Our base need of $250 per year is our lowest budget. With help in the Strategic Planning phase, we should be able to ID those projects that will require higher amounts of finding and donations, and grants.

Several new grants will be coming out from the NFF soon.

Larry Marr told of having trouble contacting out web master Josh, and also having a hard time getting password information to get into our web site. He will attempt to get the tools or soft ware needed to take control of our site.

Meeting ended at 1310 hrs.

Dave White President, FLRCDL


Meeting Minutes July, 2006


The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by President Dave White.



Self-introductions were made by those present.


Treasurer Report

Dave White gave the treasurers report.  He reported a balance of $611.46 on account with the City of Idanha.



Dave White read the minutes of the April 26th meeting.  Bryan VonBargen of the Army Corps of Engineers made a correction to the minutes, explaining that a surcharge would be requested in the amount of 1-1/2 feet additional water level.


Larry Marr motioned to approve the minutes as corrected.  Rick Jolin seconded.  Approved unanimously.


Election for Open Board Member Positions

Larry Marr nominated Bob Rea, an employee of Detroit Lake State Park, to fill the vacant board member position.  Greg Sheppard seconded.  Approved unanimously.


Contract for Administrative Position

Dave White presented a draft contract for Mia Mohr to provide administrative support services, and signed the document, with Pat Elden co-signing.


Water Flows and Lake Levels Information from the Army Corps of Engineers Briefing

Bryan VanBargen reported that this has been a good year.  Some snow pack remains.  It is possible that the level will remain high longer this year.


He responded to the following questions from the audience:

Q – Will this be a good year to see how long, how high we can keep the level up to see what the impact would be on the local economy?  A – We seem poised to extend the season a little longer though that will depend on the whole system.  It’s highly possible that the season will be extended into September.

Q – Has the Corps of Engineers set a date to lower lake level or is this a rumor? A- No date has been set.  This is a rumor.

Q – The car show is held in Detroit in mid-September.  Is there any way to keep the level up through that time?  A – We should be able to this year.



Economic Impact Study Final Report

Dave White showed a copy of the final print copy.  It will be posted electronically on the website.  He reported that he will present the study at the next Detroit City Council Meeting.

The board will need to decide how to distribute the 25 printed copies.


Down Stream Gravel Bed Enhancement Update

Liz Redon of the North Santiam Watershed Council reported that a grant application for funds from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board is due October 16th.  Awards will not be made until March 2007.  Following award, there will be a period of 1-2 years to start spending grant funds.


At a multi-jurisdictional meeting, it was agreed that it would be a worthwhile effort to conduct a feasibility study on increasing the water level in salmon and steelhead spawning areas during low water levels.


Dave White stated that the FLRCDL is lending support to the Watershed Council in their efforts to secure grants.


Liz also reported that the Watershed Council continues to have an open membership position for a representative of the upper reach of the watershed and asked that interested individuals contact her.


Web Site Status

Larry Marr reported that the website, www.detroitlakeoregonrecreation.com, now built and running, has been handed over to the FLRCDL to maintain.  He submitted a bill for $180 for a software program that will enable him to modify the website.  Pat Elden motioned to authorize Larry to purchase the software for $180.  Rod Stewart seconded the motion.  Approved unanimously.


Piety Island Channel Project Status

Rod Stewart reported that the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) needs to be completed.  They are working with the Corps of Engineers, but the process is moving slower due to the time of the year.  It should be completed over the course of the next couple of months.  Heritage resource work has been completed.  There will need to be consultation with the Department of Fish and Wildlife and National Marine Fisheries.


Non-Profit Status

Mia Mohr reported that there is nothing to report at this time.  The form 1023 has been submitted to the Internal Revenue Service.


Wintertime Boat Ramp Status

Wayne Schuyler reported that a letter of agreement has been signed by the five principal agencies.  The agreement covers roles and responsibilities of each agency and commitment for funding the $650,000 project.  The timeline for construction will depend on the ESA (Endangered Species Act) consultation and permits.  The Mongold extension is covered in the agreement should there be enough money to cover both.  It was clarified that the ramps will be in two different locations.  The winter boat ramp will be several hundred yards to the west of the Mongold ramp.


Floating Heads Locations and Status

The floating restroom sponsored by the City of Salem has not yet been built.  It should be installed for the next year’s lake season.


USFS Strategy for Detroit Lake

Rod Stewart reported that the no-shooting order has been signed; signs will be put up and public announcements will be made.  They are currently working with ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation) to shut down some trouble spots along Highway 22.  They are also working on time-lock gates at the Southside campground hopefully before winter.  Progress is being made, but they were unable to complete all the planned tasks by July 4th.  

Rod also addressed questions:

Q – How will the time-lock gates work?  A – They will be on a timer.  They will be open during the day, but will close at a pre-set time in the evening.  They will open to allow cars to exit, but cannot open from the outside without a pass key.

Q – What about people driving in late from Portland?  A – People are usually here before it gets late, but there may be some occasional problems at first.

Comment – Good comments have been heard from visitors to the Breitenbush day-use area; it is a nice facility.  Parking can be a problem as it becomes more popular.

Q – What time does the Breitenbush day-use area close?  A – 10:00pm.


Marine Patrol

Though not on the agenda, Dave White asked the Marion County Marine Patrol Deputy in attendance if he had any comment.  He stated that they are very interested in the boat ramp project, particularly from a public safety stand-point.  They think it will be a positive improvement.  


New Projects

Dave White asked those in attendance if there are any new projects that the FLRCDL should look at.  It was commented that it would be nice to have shade trees around the picnic tables at Detroit Flats.  Greg Sheppard agreed to serve as chair for this project.  Dani Pavoni will be the USFS contact.


Other suggestions included the development of a windsurfing area, a shuttle service between the campgrounds and Detroit, such as a water taxi, and a bike path from the ranger station to French Creek.


Dave White asked for volunteers to promote FLRCDL membership by talking with boaters at the marinas.  Copies of membership applications are available for distribution.



There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.


Meeting Minutes October,2006


The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by President Dave White and self-introductions were made by those present.


Minutes - Dave White motioned to accept the minutes of the July 19th meeting.  Pat Carty seconded.  Approved unanimously.


Treasurer Report - Dave White gave the treasurer’s report.  He reported a balance of $641.00 on account with the City of Idanha.  A filing is due with the State Corporation Division.  Art Wilkinson motioned to pay $50.00 to the State Corporation Division.  Rich Allen seconded.  Approved unanimously.


Water Flows and Lake Levels Information from the Army Corps of Engineers Briefing - Erik Petersen, Operations Manager for Willamette Projects, circulated graphs showing inflows and outflows in relation to the rule curve and actual elevation.  He reported that significant flood control was achieved in January.  He explained that it had been a good winter in terms of snow, but a lean year in terms of rain.  Boating was available April through September; a good recreation season all things considered.  Dave White asked that the COE correct elevations misstated on the graph.  He also requested the COE use a level of no lower than 1556' as their goal by Labor Day each year. This would allow the use of all 4 ramps at Mongold during Labor Day. Petersen said that he didn't think the COE could meet that as a goal due to all the down stream flow requests they have to work with, unless there was a heavy water event to increase inflows during the summer. 


Erik Petersen responded to questions from the audience:

Q – The actual level went below the rule curve in August.  Why can’t we meet the rule curve in August in a good snow-pack year?

A – Inflows dropped during that time.  Drying air causes evaporation.  We tried to sustain the pool as long as possible without compromising other interests.  We did drop to the lowest level of outflows.

Q – (Comment)  We need to fix downstream problems downstream, such as diversion dams, temperature, rather than rely on increasing flows out of Detroit at the expense of recreational boaters.

A – (Response)  Because of the dam, the system is artificial to begin with.  We operate as best we can, trying to manage adaptively.  We work compromises every step of the way.  It is a tough political environment.  A biological opinion for the Willamette is coming up, which may result in more demands on the system.


Down Stream Gravel Bed Enhancement - Liz Redon gave an update on the project, explaining that the next step in the process is sending letters to Congressional representatives requesting an earmark for 1135 funds. 

Patti Milne suggested e-mailing her the particulars to pass along to the county lobbyist for additional assistance.


Web Site Update - It was reported that the web site is up and running; no further information to report.


Piety Island Channel  - The Army National Guard will come in once the NEPA paperwork is done.  The process is on a fast-track, but still will not be ready to start until next year.


Wintertime Boat Ramp/Mongold Ramp Extension - Jeff Smith of the Oregon Marine Board circulated a conceptual site plan for the ramp.  Four concepts had been identified, but they are focusing on #2 and #4.  They do not have the cost estimate for the extension, but funds have already been generated.  It was suggested that it may be a higher priority to do the Mongold extension before the winter time boat ramp.  It was also suggested to bring the two side ramps down to 1542’ level which may aid in alleviating congestion at the season end.


Floating Head(s) - It was reported that bid results came in recently.  It is expected that it will be ready for the next season.  This will be the 3rd floating head on the lake.


Trail - Mia Mohr reported that the North Santiam Canyon Economic Development Corporation had applied for a technical assistance grant through the National Park Service.


Other Business & Comments - Dave White reported that the FLRCDL is now officially a 501c3 organization.  He will be composing a letter to be sent out to marina customers seeking donations, membership, and to generate awareness of the FLRCDL.  Pat Carty suggested that informational posters could be displayed at local businesses, including a new information kiosk to be constructed at City Hall.


Adjournment - There being no other business, Pat Carty motioned to adjourn the meeting; Jeanne White seconded.  The meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.


Next meeting set for January 17, 2007, 6:30 PM, Detroit Ranger Station

Federal Lakes Recreation Committee Detroit Lake
P.O. Box 538
Detroit, OR. 97342